Adedimeji Lateef beats Odunlade to win Male Actor of the Year


Truth is we all love Odunlade Adekola and Femi Adebayo, but Lateef winning this is good too.

He is also a very good actor and very close in terms of popularity with his two seniors now, Man so good doing the job… so with this award coming in, we had say, WELL DESERVED.

The actor just emerged winner as the Male Actor of The Year at the Fresh Awards Nigeria 2020.

The 34-year-old actor beats Odunlade Adekola, Kunle Afod, Muyiwa Ademola, Damola Olatunji and Femi Adebayo to the award.

Reacting to the goodnews, an exited Lateef said, “MALE ACTOR OF THE YEAR wow!”

Lateef said: “I’d like to thank the entire team of Fresh Awards Nigeria for choosing me and seeing me worthy of this prestigious award. To everyone that voted for me, thank you so much. I feel so honoured and humbled.

“A huge Shout out to my ever-supportive fans, friends, family, producers, directors, and colleagues, May God bless us all. Again I say which of the blessings of Allah will I deny? none Walahi.”

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