Kafilwe Mabote, a renowned and fashionable media personality from South Africa, recently shared a video of herself burning several items from a luxury brand.
Mabote decided to destroy her Versace clothing, explaining that she couldn’t simply give them away because the Medusa logo represents a fetish.
After posting the video, she addressed her followers with a heartfelt message: “I’ve been receiving questions about why I chose to burn my Versace items rather than donate them, and I want to clarify this decision with care and understanding. The choice to burn these clothes comes from a place of deep conviction. According to the Bible, such items can be deemed ‘accursed’ (see Joshua 7:13 for reference).
“The Medusa image symbolizes a Greek goddess from the marine kingdom, and as believers, we cannot serve two masters. Giving these pieces away would mean passing on something I no longer support, and I can’t, in good conscience, transfer items that carry significant spiritual implications.
“This journey has shown me that the spiritual realm operates on legalities; what we allow into our lives can open doors to influences we may not even be aware of. These items were gateways, and letting them go was part of reclaiming my spiritual freedom.
“I share this not to judge anyone but to encourage reflection. One day, if God wills, I will share more of this journey in detail, but for now, I hope this helps clarify my actions with love and understanding.”