Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman


Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman

 Ned Nwoko is taking his time to respond to comments from Instagram users, including one from a woman who offered to be his wife.


The politician shared a photo of himself and one of his wives Laila Charani hours ago to count down to her 30th birthday.


A number of people had things to say in the comments and he replied to some of them.


One woman advised him to stop marrying young girls and marry her instead but Ned responded, “Thanks for the offer.”


To someone who said he marries them between 18 and 20, Ned responded, “You are very clever.”


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Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman

Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman

Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman

Ned Nwoko responds to an offer of marriage from an older woman

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