A Russian billionaire who claims to have fathered more than 100 children has argued women want his ‘high-quality’ genes.
Pavel Durov, founder of the Telegram app, said he had donated sperm on a mass scale to dozens of couples in 12 different countries.
But the unmarried 39-year-old, worth an estimated £14billion, is still open to fathering further children via IVF clinics.
In a post on his own app, he claimed it was his ‘civic duty’ given his ‘high quality donor material’.

According to Russian news site E1. RU, Durov’s sperm can also still be purchased from a clinic in Moscow, for 35,000 rubles (£303).
Their investigation also found IVF treatment with his sperm could set people back more than 300k rubles (£2,600) and artificial insemination £700.
His profile also says he is a vegetarian, enjoys ‘getting up early’ and speaks nine foreign languages including English, Persian and Latin, E1. RU claimed.

Mr Durov also recently claimed to have fathered more than 100 children as a sperm donor.
It comes as he took to Telegram just days earlier to confess he has ‘over 100 biological kids’.
He said: ‘My past donating activity has helped over a hundred couples in 12 countries to have kids.’
The tech billionaire explained he signed up for sperm donation 15 years ago when one friend approached him with a ‘weird request’.