In the glittering world of Hollywood romance, legendary actor Al Pacino’s love life takes an unexpected turn. Pacino’s girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, recently revealed that she has no interest in tying the knot with the iconic star, even after the birth of their baby boy, Roman.
In a TMZ exclusive, Alfallah, 29, shared that while she loves Pacino, marriage is not on the agenda for the couple. The producer and mother of Pacino’s infant son emphasized, “I’m not the marrying type,” debunking any rumors of wedding bells in their future.
This revelation comes after the duo navigated the complexities of co-parenting, hammering out child support and custody agreements for little Roman.
Despite their age difference being 83 and Alfallah turning 30-the couple seems content with their unconventional relationship dynamic.
Settling The Legal Matters
Media previously reported that Pacino, now a father once again, will be paying over $30,000 a month in child support.
Additionally, he is required to make an upfront payment of $110,000, cover expenses like a night nurse, contribute to medical bills not covered by insurance, and deposit $15,000 annually into an education fund.
The Big Question For Christmas
Although they are still a couple, as the festive season approaches, the question of spending Christmas together remains unanswered, leaving fans curious about the unconventional holiday plans of this celebrity family.
While these financial matters have been sorted out, Noor Alfallah has made it clear that a wedding ceremony is not in their future plans. The unexpected disclosure adds a unique twist to Pacino’s romantic saga, proving that, in Hollywood, love often defies traditional expectations.