My baby boy Jack was perfect and born on time but he died in my ARMS the first time I held him


Amylee Magalhaes, 34, held her three-day-old baby in her arms for the very first time as he took his final breath.

Why he died

His name was Jack. He was born on January 1, 2014 with a full head of hair and he fought hard to stay alive but tragically didn’t make it.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Amylee said she had never once considered that she’d leave the hospital without a baby when she went into labour days earlier.

Her pregnancy had been perfect, and her birth plan was simple. Go to the hospital with her husband Thiago, sister Katie, mum and dad and have a baby boy.

Then everything went wrong and her simple plan turned into a nightmare.

Horror of a mother

‘At the 48 hour mark I started getting really tired. I was passing in and out of consciousness as I tried to push,’ she said.

Amylee doesn’t remember the moment things started going wrong but her sister Katie, who was by her side the whole time, remembers every horrifying detail.

‘I looked at my mum and I just knew things weren’t right – we needed to get Amylee out of there,’ she said.

Amylee was transferred to a bigger hospital by ambulance. Her loved ones following close by. Once she arrived she had an emergency C-section.

The couple went on to have a daughter together, Sophie, but it is bittersweet as Amylee knows she wouldn’t have her without losing Jack

‘Trauma cuts memories. I was going in and out – but I do remember waking up in a room with a nurse,’ she said.

Her family were all by the baby’s side.

‘When they finally moved me into see him I was shocked – he was attached to every machine you could think of,’ she said.

There was problem with Jack’s lung

My husband was there, and Katie and my mum and the doctor just kept repeating to me “he’s not okay”,’ she cried.

At that point they all knew was that Jack’s blood wasn’t clotting and there was a problem with his lungs.

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Then doctors explained they needed to get him to a major hospital – but Amylee wasn’t allowed to go with him.

She was numb with disbelief as they stabilised Jack and sent him off, with her parents, in the back of an Ambulance.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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