Tracey Cox reveals 13 science-backed secret signs that show just how attractive you really are.
What makes someone attractive? Good question! After all, what’s appealing to one person is ‘Are you kidding?’ to another.
We all know people who think they’re God’s Gift to the world but really aren’t (Andrew Tate). We all also know at least one person who has no clue what a knock-out they really are.
Measuring the length of noses, legs or breasts offers no clue at all for general appeal because so many other factors come into play (proportion, cultural preference, age).
But there are characteristics that all attractive people share – and they’re probably not what you’re expecting. How many of these 13 less obvious qualities can you answer ‘Yes’ to?
1. You’re average looking
Yep. That’s right.
Many studies support the theory that being average is more universally attractive than being off the scale good-looking.
Second, having a mate who lots of other people want, isn’t a particularly pleasant feeling. You’re constantly on the alert for mate-poachers and the pressure is on to look or seem worthy enough to keep them.
We feel comfortable around what we’re most familiar with. Everyone might stare when someone stunning walks past but we’re more likely to fall for someone who’s the same attractiveness level as our friends.
2. Both sides of you match
The more symmetrical your face and body, the more good-looking you’re considered and the more attention you get.
It’s not the result of nasty brainwashing by society either – even babies go ga-ga for symmetry.
Far more manipulative than social media is Mother Nature.
She consistently protects the healthiest of the species by making sure those from the strongest gene pool (in this case, the symmetrical) are seen as the most attractive.
3. You’re kind and understanding
Think attractiveness is all about physical features?Think again?
In one illustrious study, researchers asked people what they valued most in a mate.
4. Your voice is pleasant to listen to
A bad voice, like bad breath, can make attractiveness plummet in an instant.
Squeaky, strident, screechy voices. Too loud, too quiet, mumbled or monotone – none of these will do you any favours.
5. You smell nice
Smell rarely makes the ‘must-have’ lists for what we find attractive in a partner.
But strong, unpleasant body odour can render Bradley Cooper a 1/10 with a single whiff. Ditto over-powering, off-putting perfume or after-shave.
6. You smile a lot
Smile and the world doesn’t just smile with you, people fancy you more.
Research proves our evaluation of attractiveness is strongly influenced by the intensity of a smile.
In fact, the study found a happy facial expression can compensate for relative unattractiveness.This works for both sexes but particularly for women.
7. You’ve got big eyes and a big mouth
Big-eyed babies aren’t the only things we’re charmed by.
Most people prefer big to small eyes in adults, too, and are more enticed by a pout than thin lips.
Researchers created computerised versions of the average female face before getting test groups to rate their attractiveness.
The first set were awarded an average attractiveness rating.In the next set, researchers increased the eyes and lips by ten percent.
It got this result: the faces were seen as younger and more beautiful.
8. Your lips are plump and glossy
Sex obsessed creatures which humans are, anything which reminds us of sex catches our eye.
9. You take care of yourself
A ‘fertile’ face and fit body is seen as a beautiful one.
Clear, fresh skin, shiny eyes, glossy hair – a healthy-looking face like that tends to come attached to a body which is bursting to conceive.
Taking out the bins isn’t quite the same but a partner who looks fit and healthy enough to look after themselves – and us if need be (we’re pregnant, sick, old) – still trumps one who doesn’t.
10. You walk young
Swinging hips and good posture make a person appear more attractive.
There’s another crucial element to harness if you want to be seen as sexually pleasing: flexibility.
Flexibility is what makes people appear to ‘walk young’ – an instant winner in the best-looking stakes.Get even more votes if…
11. You stick your bum out
The Kardashians are onto something: the perter and more rounded the female derriere, the stronger the sexual signal to men.
Bottoms are so integral to sex appeal, zoologist Desmond Morris believes they’re even more important than the two matching bumps on our front.
12. You wear heels
Heels lengthen legs and shorten bottoms. According to the Harper’s Index (yes, bizarre as it sounds, there is an index for measuring this), the average increase in the protrusion of a woman’s buttocks wearing heels is 25 percent. (This, remember, is a good thing.)
13. You remind them of someone they love or loved
We fancy people who look or act like other people we love or have loved.
From the moment we’re born, our brain continuously feeds us physical data about people close to us.
It divides these characteristics into ‘people I like and were nice to me’ and ‘people I don’t like who hurt me’, then it tries to generalise.
If two-thirds of the people you’ve disliked had bushy eyebrows, you’ll be suspicious of everyone who has a hair or two extra.
If it was the opposite, you’ll subconsciously stand to attention at the sight of them.
When we meet a potential partner, our subconscious checks against the ‘liked people’ list in our heads and tries to find the closest match. The more ‘chemistry’ we feel, the more matches we’ve found.
We do the same with gestures. The way she brushes the hair from her neck, the dimple he gets when he smiles, all affect our opinion of who’s sexy, who’s not.
True, it’s not something you have any control of if you’re trying to attract a mate. But it does explain those strange matchups which leave everyone scratching their heads thinking, ‘Really? I don’t get it!’.