A lot of people believe that men love making out more than anything. This makes it almost impossible for women to believe that there is something else a man would love more. However, recent researches have proven that there is actually one thing that a man would choose over making out anytime.
While some men would probably bite their tongue before they would open their mouth to admit to what they deems as a weakness, some men actually want their women to know the truth about what they really want. On the other hand, some women would find it funny and surprising when they discover the truth. Which brings us to the question. What is this thing they love more than making out?
The Secret
The whole truth is that men really want the skin-to-skin touch of feminine acceptance and approval. It all lies in the pinky power. The feeling that comes when a woman lightly brushes the edge of her pinky finger against any part of the man’s body, and at the same time, offers a word or expression of support, love and care, is the greatest feeling a man can feel, and that is what they want more than making out.
It may seem like nothing to a woman, but to the men, it is everything they wish for. It does not just have to be your pinky finger, basically any part of the body will do. What matters is the feeling that follows it. What really matters is the reassurance that is seen in their eyes, and maybe a word or two of support and care.
How It Makes Them Feel
A good number of men were willing to open up about how they felt when they got that special touch from their women. Some described it as awesome, some said it was intoxicating. For some people, it was a powerful feeling that left them speechless, while some other could not find the right words to express such huge emotion that they felt. Some men, described the feeling as when the word “love” was released to them.
Why The Men Will Not Tell You About It
The men will not usually find it easier to open up to their female partners about this feeling because they feel it will make them look vulnerable and or weak. They believe that women will think they are silly or soft. Women expect men to be hard, they expect men to be in control, but they forget that men are humans too ,and they have emotions and feelings. So when a man shows emotions, he is scared of being seen as weak. this is one of the reasons why men will not easily speak up about this. The other reason is the fear that they will be totally misunderstood when they speak up.