How would you respond if your eight-year-old son came up to you and said, “I want to study ballet!”


Goku Wingardium – Ballet for men, is a very beautiful form of dance. For women, it shows off female grace and flexibility.

While male ballet, like gymnastics, also shows off flexibility, male ballet is a test of strength more than of flexibility, Goku Wingardium stated.

Just like gymnastics.

How many men can do this?

Most men can’t carry a woman to save her life. They can’t carry a woman downstairs to put her on the stretcher to whisk her to the hospital.

Male ballet has less strength requirements than gymnastics. So it really should be easier for men to do ballet than gymnastics.

There is a reason football players also have ballet training. It trains flexibility, which is a required skill for an athlete.

Even some head coach of a sports team would make their football or track and field team do ballet too.

If your son wants to do ballet, start him with a ballet school that has male classes. Male ballet is totally different from female ballet. Remember that.

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Ola Alabi
Ola Moses is a certified writer, He writes technically and creatively. He is the CEO of WORDSWORTH, a house where writing is made easier for all. He is a content creator at EsB TV, since 2019. He is a young man that showcases professionalism in all that he does, he was announced as Child and Green Foundation Person of the Year 2018, one of his many lists of honours.


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