“You are liars” Kanye West blasts Khloe Kardashian as he insists the Kardashians “kidnapped” his children and kept them from him


Kanye West has hit back at Khloé Kardashian after she called him out for attacking the Kardashians.

Kanye took to Instagram to ask critics of his “White Lives Matter” t-shirt why they were silent when the Kardashians prevented him from seeing his kids

Khloe hit back and asked Kanye to stop attacking Kim and the Kardashians. Khloe told Kanye that he knows where his kids are at all times and he should stop soiling her family’s name when he wants to deflect.

Kanye has now responded to Khloe. He called her a liar and insisted the Kardashians “kidnapped his kids.

See below.

"You are liars" Kanye West blasts Khloe Kardashian as he insists the Kardashians "kidnapped" his children and kept them from him
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