Russia has violated Ukraine’s cultural rights a lot, to the extent that its devastating effects will linger even after the post-war era since the abuse of the cultural right does not seem to end anytime soon.
One of the things that incite the war is the questioning and denial of the Ukrainian identity by Russia that violates Ukranian’s right to self-determination and their cultural rights.
But this violation of Ukraine’s culture can stop and Russia’s misshapen culture can be made healthy; it will be made healthy if the rules of international humanitarian and human rights law is scrupulously applied by all parties to the conflict.
Doing this will ensure that culture is protected that it may help to maintain one’s country and not as a means to pursue and fuel war.
Due to the aggression and invasion of Russia, Russia’s culture has also been tainted and become unhealthy.
To start with, Russian artists are affected by many restrictions in retaliation for the actions of Russian government, as well as by the deprogramming of sometimes centuries-old works of art from Russian writers or composers.
Across the world, Russian musicians and athletes are impeded from performing and participating in competitions.
In the words of Alexandra Xanthaki, Special Rapporteur on cultural rights. “It is especially in this situation of continuous dehumanization, that culture and cultural rights must be visible and visibly push for humanity, empathy and peaceful co-existence.
Yes! Let it be reiterated that Russia’s misshapen culture can be made healthy if the rules of international humanitarian and human rights law is scrupulously applied by all parties to the conflict.