Russia/Ukraine war: Convoy transporting equipment for Russia’s nuclear forces on the move (photos/video)

Russia-Ukraine war: Convoy transporting equipment for Russia's nuclear forces on the move (photos/video)

A footage has emerged reportedly showing a convoy transporting equipment for Russia’s nuclear forces.

The video shot at an undisclosed location in central Russia, shows a train loaded with vehicles and equipment apparently heading towards the front line in Ukraine, which 
could be a “signal to the West”, a military intelligence specialist claims.

Russia-Ukraine war: Convoy transporting equipment for Russia

According to Defence analyst Konrad Muzyka,  the train is linked to a unit that operates a dozen central storage facilities for Russia’s nuclear weapons.

Russia-Ukraine war: Convoy transporting equipment for Russia

He said: “This is actually carrying kit belonging to the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian MoD.

“The directorate is responsible for nuclear munitions, their storage, maintenance, transport, and issuance to units.”

He stressed that the video in no way shows “preparations for a nuclear release”.

However he said it was significant that it emerged after Ukraine warned of the “very high” risk of Russia using a tactical nuclear weapon.

“It could be a form of signalling to the West that Moscow is escalating,” Muzyka said, in reference to Vladimir Putin’s nuclear war warning last week Friday.

Muzyka then suggested Russia could be moving this equipment ahead of training exercises for its Strategic Rocket Forces – the country’s main nuclear deterrence unit.

“Russian RVSN forces usually train extensively during autumn,” Muzuka explained.

Watch the video below

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