12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign – From Aries, Leo to Pisces


We are all influenced, directly or indirectly by our stars. It says a lot about our personalities and can speak for us even when we are not there. As there are different zodiac signs, so are there different people and personalities. Various astrologers and authors have combined the theory of astrology with angelology. This has brought to our knowledge, the traits shared by the archangels in relation to the zodiac signs. Here are 12 archangels and their connection with the zodiac signs.



The archangel Ariel is the angel in charge of nature. This angel is connected with healing and restoring the beauty and benefits of nature. If you seek to build or establish a relationship or connection with mother nature, the archangel Ariel is your go to source.



The archangel Chamuel is the angel responsible for bringing inner peace. This archangel provides guidance to those who are lost, and also inner peace to those who are going through rough times and depressing moments. When you feel lost, call on the archangel Chamuel for help.

12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces



True and complete forgiveness comes from the mind. However, there are times when we are gravely wronged and we might find it hard to forgive and let go. In times like this, the archangel Zadkiel will help you let go of all your pain and suffering through forgiveness. If you have been wronged and you need assistance with forgiveness, call on the archangel Zadkiel.



Known everywhere as the messenger of God, the archangel Gabriel is the angel tasked with delivering of messages to the world. Besides that, they are also known to be the protector of innocence, and your help in raising of children.

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The archangel Raziel is the bringer of knowledge and guardian of souls and destinies. It is the angel that guides people through their life journeys and provides them with divine knowledge on things they do not know. When you are in need of spiritual guidance, archangel Raziel is the one to seek.

12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces

Read page 2 below for Archangel and their connection to each zodiac signs

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